
Call us +385 1 46 10 225


CoolSculpting kriolipoliza


Lokalizirane masne naslage i celulit prirodan su način na koje tijelo pohranjuje višak masti. Taj višak masti, osim što nam nije estetski prihvatljiv, upućuje na nezdrave životne stilove koji potiču njegov razvoj.

Čak i kada prijeđete na zdrav način života, koji uključuje pravilnu prehranu i vježbanje, moguće je da će na određenim područjima ostati nakupine masnoća kojih se nikako ne uspijevate riješiti. Ta područja su najčešće trbuh, bedra, koljena, nadlaktice i leđa. Kako ih se riješiti?


Med Contour body shaping treatment

Med Contour is a unique, completely safe and painless  medical device for treatment in women and men, which transforms certain problematic body parts. After only 45 minutes of treatment with Med Contour about 2.5 centimeters can be lost in the treated area. There is no incision, no pain, no recovery, and the result is a tight and shaped body.


Sedentary lifestyle, stressful days at work and quick trips leave marks on your body. Lymphatic drainage is a therapy which uses the method of blowing in the air in order to create a pressure on a specific part of the body, thereby it mechanically pushes the accumulated intracellular fluid. The therapy stimulates the function of the lymphatic system to excrete toxins and excess fluid faster from the body. The entire treatment leads to a state of relaxation, cessation of swelling and pain which may be present earlier.

Venus Legacy multipolar radiofrequency

Popularity of Venus Legacy radiofrequency has extremely increased in the last few years since it has proven to be an effective way to improve the appearance of skin and body figures. Any person who is struggling with loose skin, cellulite and excessive fatty deposits can be subjected to this innovative treatment.

Feel free to contact us

By phone on +385 1 46 10 225 or through our online contact form

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By filling out this form, you will be contacted within 24h by our call center to arrange your appointment.

* We keep a confidential record of all the data you provide us through this form

Working hours

Green Gold Tower
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h
Donji grad
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h
Dioklecijan Hotel & Residence
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h


Where to park

Parking Parking available in Green Gold centre, Zagreb underground garage. For detailed information download a map

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